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Home > Support


Check what you want to support us!

Here are the links of computer and video game projects you supported for more helpful troubleshooting tips, error-message-related suggestions, downloads, further updates and other provisional supports of each project. If you want us to usefully report error messages and other technical problems with our projects, including project recommendations, downloads, updates and supports, please do not forget to importantly contact us at If we received your mail, then we will help you with these supportive projects to have helpful contact feedback. We also have connection and donation links to join our Discord server, became a member of our Patreon, and help us raise and earn our money as a form of fundraising to our company.


What can you help with? Select any below.


Are you interested with our games, products and organization as a whole? If you wish, then please press the button below, and help us raise money with PayPal.

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