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The official website of Psonic is here, but it's under construction for years

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Hello there, everyone. Axl Jet Baños here, and today I want to spread information that this website is either work-in-progress or under construction for years to update with something new when I am now a college graduate since March 2018.

Way back in 2019, the progress begins when I started making an official website from scratch for PSONIC, the computer and video game company I was dreaming of, with the needs of investments. You have to remember that this website is entirely made with Wix. However, what I did is just a hardworking process in completing this website in a matter of years to start our business due to coding, slow performance of the computer, adding contents, making more pages, and the interruptions of game development. So I'm looking for web developers, especially those who are expert in using Wix as a web hosting service, and new recruits/staff members who are willing to join us, especially this website. Besides, I really need a lot of help from them to finish and update this website with some additional contents and improvements. They will be invited and hired as admins and other members of this official PSONIC website. Be reminded that if you really like, do this important thing for me.

As I am interested in computer and video game industry via development, publishing and distribution, my upcoming game projects are under progression since I wanted to become an indie video game developer, but just like what I said for certain requirements of this website's company, I need fellow staff members who are professionally skilled in arts and programming, like music composers, 2D and 3D artists, 2D and 3D animators, concept artists, sound designers, scriptwriters, managers and computer programmers, at least 2, 3 or more to contribute and finish the projects I really planned. By the way, you will be recruited by signing up your account here for free by pressing the "Log In" button at the top. Besides, you can get your job and join us by going to the "Careers" section of this website and you will become one of our staff members. For the groups in this website, you can join what group you really like after you go to the "Groups" section as part of the "Community" section. If you want, then you can also join the collaborations with other video game projects I planned via invitations for certain development groups.

The progress of this website is almost completed and okay to access any features here by visiting and recruiting its membership, but its updates are required with administrators.

Anyway, for computer, mobile and video game industry and marketing as both of my business interests, I would like to announce at least 5 mobile game titles: Paddloid, Target Shot, Invaderoids, Polytrix and Axl Jet. Paddloid,Target Shot, Polytrix and Roll 'n Bounce are in progress since I started the developments of these mobile game projects in their respective dates using a game development software called Clickteam Fusion 2.5. In addition to other game projects I have, Space Monsters has recently released to the public since February 2015, with the inclusion of updates from the same year, and Space Warrior and Geometron are now work-in-progress. These games are all made with Game Maker 8.0, but there are 5 mobile game projects to be released due to the trending of mobile gaming and earning money thanks to the in-app advertisements via AdMob. Invaderoids and Axl Jet are yet to get its development started as well as the other futuristically planned game projects/works because Paddloid, Target Shot, Polytrix and Roll 'n Bounce are now in development as I planned. The notable example of these future works are Aegius, which is a horizontal side-scrolling shooter game, Thunderfist, which is a Raiden-esque, vertically scrolling shooter game, Gyroids, which is the revival of the tube shooter genre, and Space Monsters 2, which is a direct sequel to the original Space Monsters installment. With the help of collaborators who signed up here in its membership, the progress of each computer and video game project will make its progress and production improved, faster and better before launching its release date. So you have to know more about doing this for me if you like. If the game is already released to the public, we'll have more money, and someday we will update some of the launched titles to keep their versions up to date. But if the progress of the game takes too long, then we have to continue working on it. In fact, don't forget what Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's video game designer, producer, game director and the permanent creator of the Mario and Zelda series, said the following: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

Aside from financially interested computer, mobile and video game industry, this website has a "Shop" section with 4 subsections: Merchandises (or Merchandise Store), Art Store, Game Store and Assets (or Asset Store). In order to know more about our products, merchandises, artworks, computer and video games, and assets are used for distributing physical and digital products we have, selling our artworks, digitally distributing various titles of their respective franchises, and trading assets to anyone for their projects or anything. We also have a "Services" section, where we can usually sell services for you.

Like most American, European and Japanese computer and video game companies, I hope and wish that this official website of Asia-based computer and video game will become true. Good luck and see you again!

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